Downloadable Dyslexia Resources

Dyslexia in the workplace resources

Empower Dyslexic Thinking in your workplace with our free dyslexia resources: download our reports, factsheets and Dyslexic Thinking skills posters.


The latest report from Made By Dyslexia which is called Intelligence 5.0. It finds the skills dyslexics have are the skills needed in every job.

Intelligence 5.0 report - our latest ground-breaking report

A short guide with 4 simple steps on how to Empower Dyslexic Thinking in your workplace

4 steps to Empower Dyslexic Thinking in every workplace

The Value Of Dyslexia report produced with EY found that dyslexia comes with valuable strengths that are vital in the workplace

Value Of Dyslexia 2018 report, produced with EY

The second Value Of Dyslexia report produced with EY found that the dyslexic skills match the World Economic Forum skills of the future.

Value Of Dyslexia 2019 report, produced with EY

The Dyslexic Dynamic Report which found that dyslexics were a talent pool often overlooked by employers but who had the skills to fill our current skills gap

Dyslexic Dynamic report, with Manpower

The Recruit Dyslexic Talent report finds that while many employers think they are creating a dyslexia-friendly workplace, dyslexics do not feel understood or supported in the workplace

Recruit Dyslexic Talent report, with Randstad

How to drive Collective Action

How to drive Collective Action

Dyslexia Factsheets & Posters

A fact sheet containing 5 tips for dyslexic employees

5 tips for dyslexic employees

A factsheet which contains 5 ways Dyslexic Thinking helps you in your job

5 ways Dyslexic Thinking helps at work

A factsheet which contains 5 ways to spot dyslexia in adults

5 ways to spot dyslexia in adults

A factsheet which contains 5 ways to spot dyslexic strengths in adults

5 ways to spot dyslexic strengths in adults

A factsheet which contains 5 ways technology helps dyslexics in the workplace

5 ways technology helps dyslexics in the workplace

A factsheet which contains 5 tips to help dyslexics with written comms

5 tips to help dyslexics with written comms

A factsheet which contains 5 things to help recruit dyslexic people

5 things to help recruit dyslexic people

A factsheet which contains 5 tips for every dyslexic employer

5 tips for every dyslexic employer

A factsheet that contains 5 things every manager can do to help dyslexic employees

5 things every manager of dyslexics can do

A factsheet which contains 5 things dyslexics struggle with in the workplace & 5 ways to overcome them

5 things dyslexics struggle with in the workplace

A poster with a purple background displaying the 6 Dyslexic Thinking skills which are Visualising, Imagining, Communicating, Reasoning, Connecting and Exploring

6 Dyslexic Thinking skills

A poster with a blue background displaying the 6 Dyslexic Thinking skills which are Visualising, Imagining, Communicating, Reasoning, Connecting and Exploring

What are Dyslexic Thinking skills?

A downloadable form which allows you to note your dyslexic strengths and challenges and share them with your manager

Adult passport - to share your dyslexic strengths at work

Take the Dyslexic Thinking Test

80% of dyslexics leave school unidentified. Could you be one of them? Take our Dyslexic Thinking Test and see if you have the skills the workplace of today and tomorrow needs.


Downloadable Dyslexia Resources for Parents, Teachers & Kids

Empower Dyslexic Thinking in your home or classroom with our factsheets, school assembly packs and posters.

Dyslexia resources for schools & teachers

The School Report report poster

The School Report

Assembly Pack report poster

Assembly Pack

Children's Passport report poster

Children's Passport

Teenage Passport report poster

Teenage Passport